Devil's DVD Disappointment: The Box

Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 1:20 PM

Rattling through my head is William Shatner's voice saying "What's in the box?! Come on! What's in the box?!" Well, I'll tell you what's in store for you if you go see The Box..... bad acting and terrible execution of a storyline that showed tiny flares of life (mainly at the end) but overall fizzles.

When I realized I was the only one on this site reviewing this, I was ready to write a Lonely Devil review, but I can't muster enough good things about this film to even try. Therefore i'm just sticking to a straight-on Lil Devil review.

The movie is based on a short story called Button, Button written by Richard Matheson. Matheson wrote more than a dozen episodes of The Twilight Zone. Personally, I feel like this would've made a much better episode for that show than it did for a full length feature film. Director Richard Kelly, writer/director of such films as Donnie Darko and Southland Tales, took the helm here making Matheson's short story a 1 hour 55 minute incoherent borefest.

The overall storyline is basic. A cash strapped married couple are given a box with a button, with the proposition of pushing the button and receiving one million dollars, tax-free, but with a catch. The moment the button is pushed, someone they don't know dies. There lies the moral dilemma, self-preservation but at the expense of a stranger's life.

Ultimately, Norma (played with a poor excuse of a southern accent, Cameron Diaz) decides to go through with it with her husband Arthur (James Marsden in a wooden role) at her side. From that point on the movie spirals down so hard that by the end when Frank Langella's mystery man Arlington Steward passes the box to the next couple, you can care less.

An intertwined plot twist revealed in the end, that I found a little interesting, was the only thing that compelled me to even rate this film with a half pitchfork. Stay clear of this film and don't waste 2 hours of your life-like I did.

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