Offer made to Captain America (A Mad As Hell Op-Ed Piece)

Posted by Patrick Newson | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:01 AM

In a quick follow up to Mike's earlier post, the offer has been made to the actor who will be Cap in the Capt. America film and The Avengers. Who is it you ask?? Well my condolences to those who wanted Jim from The Office, sorry it's just not to be. The other report about Ryan Phillipe....Ehhhhhhh sorry. No the title role is offered to none other than Johnny Storm himself, Chris Evans (says The Hollywood Reporter). Yayyyyyyyyyyy. No? Ok I'm not too sure either. I don't hate the pick, lets just get that out there. Evans doesn't scream Cap to me. He barely survived as a member of The Fantastic Four. A movie, FYI, that I hated...both of them.

I'm eager to hear what you all think. I'm a huge Cap fan and the last thing I want is another Wolverine to put me to sleep. Fan boys...and girls sound off!!!

Comments (1)

Personally i'm not passing judgement yet, i'm going to wait to see the movie first. People are too eager to pass on their opinions quickly before seeing things play out. When Heath Ledger was first announced to be playing the Joker in "The Dark Knight" there was a big outcry about it. Even a thread about it on Comic Geek Speak's forum had to be locked from the negativity that emerged. And look how that played out.

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