Director Spotlight: Scanners


Posted by Joe Wilhelm | Posted in , , , | Posted on 10:39 AM

Another month and another spotlight focused on a director. I kick off April's Director Spotlight of David Cronenberg with 1981's Scanners. Cronenberg, due to his fascination with the horror genre earned the nicknames "King of Venereal Horror" and "The Baron of Blood", not only directed this film but wrote it as well. Scanners is the movie that gave him his US upstart and popularity after being a hit in Canada.

Repo Men


Posted by Jonathan MacFarlane | Posted in , , | Posted on 9:01 AM

Repo Men, based on the novel Repossession Mambo, is an odd movie. At turns both awesome and befuddling, the film demonstrates influences from classic sci-fi b-movies to more modern action thrillers. The cast, with one exception, is strong. Jude Law and Forest Whitaker play Remy and Jake, who are the titular repo men. They work under Frank, played extremely well by Liev Schreiber, for an artificial organ manufacturing company called “The Union.” When customers fall far enough behind on payments on their organ(s), repo men are sent to reclaim said organs. As seen in the film’s trailer, Remy suffers an on-the-job accident, and receives an artificial heart, for which he is unable to pay.

Kick Ass: Special Preview from Damian Smith


Posted by Rene Alvarado | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:00 AM

By Damian Smith

Editorial Note: Here's Damian Smith/Lord Shaper's Kick Ass review/preview. He saw it at the Australian world premiere. Damian is a friend of the Devil's from Australia and was lucky enough to have cool friends and get a sneak peek at Kick Ass.

Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan with few friends and who lives alone with his father. His life is not very difficult and his personal trials not that overwhelming. However, one day he makes the simple decision to become a super-hero even though he has no powers or training.

Episode 16: Political Films 3-2-1


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in | Posted on 11:55 AM

In this episode Mike and Veer explore the world of political films. Using their 3-2-1 format they look at their 3 favorite political comedies, 2 favorite political dramas, and 1 film that challenged the governmental status quo.

Give us a listen and we promise to vote for you in the next election.

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Hot Tub Time Machine (Devil's Advocate Review)


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:01 PM

Hot Tub Time Machine has not only a crazy name, but also a crazy premise and crazy antics. Is that enough crazy for you? If not, you can check out the film and see the crazy hair, crazy fashions, crazy energy, and crazy comedic components. Hot Tub Time Machine brings the crazy and it's hilariously rendered for our enjoyment.

Hot Tub Time Machine


Posted by Dave Bartik | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:00 PM

Hot Tub Time Machine is a movie that could only be made after The Hangover. It is an R-rated comedy with a limited storyline, starring little-known, bit part actors (aside from John Cusack, who I’ll get to later), with limited financial backing. Before The Hangover, and its immediate cult-like status, Hot Tub would have been a straight-to-DVD selection.

The Comic Book Movie You Should Be Excited For


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , | Posted on 5:20 PM

Unlucky in love? Get dumped? Get beaten up by your girlfriend's seven evil exes?  Didn't think so. 

This is the premise of Universal's latest comic book adaptation, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.  Now I know that the film has the two most oversaturated things in Hollywood right now...those being comic books and Michael Cera, but this trailer has me excited.  From the look of it, the film blends the action of a comic book, with the style of a video game, which is what Scott Pilgrim is at its core.  Give the trailer a look and tell us what you think. 

Prepare For The Longest Movie Ever...24 The Movie


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , | Posted on 5:07 PM

It was announced recently that 24 would wrap up at the end of the current season, and then shortly after that it was announced that a film is in the works.  In the works only so far as they have a script just about set and are pitching ideas. 

How will the twenty-four hour realtime format translate to the screen?  According to Jack Bauer himself, the plan is to show all twenty-four hours in a two hour film, which will free them up creatively, as they won't have the hindrance of presenting events in realtime.   

If all goes according to plan, the film should hit theaters in early 2011. 

Paul Greengrass Eyes Fantastic Voyage


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , | Posted on 4:49 PM

Up until now Greengrass has been firmly planted in the real world of cinema, but he is now in talks to make the leap to the world of sci-fi/fanatsy.  20th Century Fox is working towards a remake of Fantastic Voyage, the story of a scientist suffering from an unknown illness, only to have his colleagues miniaturized and injected into his body.  The previous incarnation was made in 1966, so it only seems appropriate to Fox that it get a modern day, big budget treatment. 

The Green Zone director is only in talks at the moment, but Fox is looking to strike while the iron is hot. 

Actor's Spotlight: King of New York


Posted by Spencer Diedrick | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Posted on 11:35 AM

Two criminals are engaged in a drug deal with a Hispanic kingpin. They verify the cocaine's potency, and even agree to a hike in the price. They nonchalantly hand him the payment. He opens the briefcase to discover dozens of Tampons. Perplexed, the boss exclaims, "What's this?" One of the hoods, still smiling, replies, "It's for the bullet holes, man." Then they gun him and his bodyguards down.

Actor Spotlight: Hairspray


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:08 AM

If you're someone who gravitates towards musical films or musical theater, then you're probably not me. That of course doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good musical when I see it.

How To Train Your Dragon


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , , , , , | Posted on 12:58 PM

Extra, Extra Read All About It...Gerard Butler Makes A Good Career Decision!

Since 300, the stoic actor, who voices a character named Stoick, hasn't made many good career decision (though I quite enjoyed RocknRolla) since his breakout role as King Leonidas. The key to his success here was: a) being heard and not seen and b) playing the supporting role in the film. Oh, and being the animated equivalent of Leonidas.

Green Zone


Posted by Spencer Diedrick | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 5:51 PM

Thanks to the success of The Hurt Locker, I had a lot of anticipation for the newest Iraq War film, Green Zone. The pedigree of Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass didn't hurt either, not to mention a four-star review from Roger Ebert. What I got was a much more preachy action film than I'm used to, and I'm still not sure how I totally feel about it. Just go with me here.

Green Zone (Devil's Advocate Review)


Posted by Ervin A. Villanueva | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:50 PM

Heading to the theatre, I felt I needed a Jason Bourne fix, the dude is simply a bad ass and after viewing the trailer for Green Zone, I had thought I finally found something to hold me over, but did I really see a military version of the Bourne films?

Mission Impossible Cruises Into Theaters in 2011


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 12:42 PM

Mission Impossible is set for a fourth installment, with 47 year old Tom Cruise filling in as Ethan Hunt once more.  J.J. Abrams, who directed the third MI film, has provided the makers of the fourth a plot, but will not return to direct. 

Mission Impossible III grossed 397.8 million dollars worldwide, which implies that the franchise may still have legs. 

The filmmakers are aiming for a Memorial Day 2011 release.

Anchorman Sequel Looking Less and Less Likely


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:02 AM

A year ago Will Ferrell intimated that an Anchorman sequel was inevitable.  Since then, it has become a scheduling nightmare, as all of the major players, such as Paul Rudd and Steve Carell, have moved on to larger, more illustrious careers since 2004.   From an interview with Ferrell, however, it doesn't sound like it's completely out of the question.   

Offer made to Captain America (A Mad As Hell Op-Ed Piece)


Posted by Patrick Newson | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:01 AM

In a quick follow up to Mike's earlier post, the offer has been made to the actor who will be Cap in the Capt. America film and The Avengers. Who is it you ask?? Well my condolences to those who wanted Jim from The Office, sorry it's just not to be. The other report about Ryan Phillipe....Ehhhhhhh sorry. No the title role is offered to none other than Johnny Storm himself, Chris Evans (says The Hollywood Reporter). Yayyyyyyyyyyy. No? Ok I'm not too sure either. I don't hate the pick, lets just get that out there. Evans doesn't scream Cap to me. He barely survived as a member of The Fantastic Four. A movie, FYI, that I hated...both of them.

I'm eager to hear what you all think. I'm a huge Cap fan and the last thing I want is another Wolverine to put me to sleep. Fan boys...and girls sound off!!!

The Runaways


Posted by Dave Bartik | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:11 AM

For all the hoopla made of Kristen Stewart, Joan Jett, and The Runaways, it is much ado about nothing. Her role is severely limited in scope and screen time, allowing for two of her co-stars to shine through all of the misplaced hype.

Devil's DVD Advocacy: The Men Who Stare at Goats


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:34 AM

Finally, after all of these years, we get to see what Star Wars might have been like, if it starred George Clooney, took place on Earth, and was fueled by loads and loads of LSD. Of course, the LSD thing could be true about the original Star Wars. From a production standpoint, that is.

Devil's DVD Advocacy: The Blind Side


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:24 AM

Originally Posted By Joseph Wilhelm

I'll admit, I had no clue The Blind Side was based on an actual story till the ending credits rolled and they showed actual photos of the real life people portrayed in the film. Call me out of the loop, or whatever, but football hasn't always been a sport that I follow regularly. However I must say after watching this movie I found myself looking to put a Baltimore Ravens game on and not to mention browse the internet to read more about Michael Oher.

Episode 15: Award Shows Wrap Up and Movie News


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in | Posted on 6:35 PM

Award season is at a close, but that doesn't mean we're finished talking about it.  This week Jonathan and Mike discuss the Spirit, Razzy, and Oscar awards, and what is in store for some of the winners and nominees.   

Give us a listen and Jonathan will personally bring you a copy of All About Steve

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2012 Will See A Disaster of Titanic Proportions (A Mad As Hell Op-Ed Piece)


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:45 AM

James Cameron is working to bring his film Titanic back to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the titular boat's fateful trip.  The film will not only be back in theaters, but it will also be 3D, with a giant capital "D", standing for "Disaster".  

Actor's Spotlight: The Dead Zone


Posted by Rene Alvarado | Posted in , , | Posted on 6:38 AM

"Blessed me?.....You want to know what God did to me? He threw an 18-wheeler at me! Bounced me into nowhere for five years!.....God's been a real sport to me."

Nobody writes crazy like Stephen King. Nobody acts crazy like Christopher Walken. And nobody can direct craziness like David Cronenberg (Scanners, A History Of Violence, Eastern Promises). When you bring those three together you get a great movie. That movie is The Dead Zone. It's one of the best cheesy sci fi/horror movies to come out of the 1980's. It has a 1970's vibe but with a very 1980's look to it(bad hair, low budget, lots of overacting). The movie is a showcase for two of the best over the top actors in Hollywood, Christopher Walken and Martin Sheen. And, is also one of Cronenberg's better movies. One of his most mainstream and accessible early movies.

Mel Gibson's Viking Film May Be His Directorial Swan Song


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:32 AM

Mel Gibson has had an idea for a viking film for a while now.  It's only now coming to fruition and the actor/director believes it will mark the end of his directing career. 

Gibson has stated that he's going for the same level of realism that he showed in Passion of The Christ and Apocalypto, where the primary languages were Aramaic and Mayan, repsectively.  The script is being reviewed by all involved, as we speak, in order to ensure the level of realism that Gibson seeks.

At this time Leonardo DiCaprio, seen recently in Shutter Island, is attached to the project.  All other details are heavily guarded by Viking Axe-Men.

Comic Book Movie News


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 11:00 AM

At SXSW Ed Norton announced that there are no plans for a Hulk sequel in the near future.  The implication was that the focus, right now, for Marvel is to get as many of the individual characters that comprise the Avengers into action, and then look at sequels.  On deck are Captain America and Thor, with an Iron Man sequel hitting theaters this summer. 

Speaking of Captain America, the news hit last week that Hugo Weaving would don the visage of the Red Skull, but still no word on who would be the Cap himself.  This week's names being bandied about:  Ryan Phillipe and Channing Tatum.  The First Avenger: Captain America, is slated for a July 2011 release. 

Devil's DVD Disappointment: The Twilight Saga: New Moon


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:01 AM

Originally Posted By A. Monnie Aleahmad

So I finally bit the bullet and watched The Twilight Saga: New Moon. I have to say, it was a decent enough film. A bit over dramatic, but still better than the first. It’s a simple romance story of an obsessed teenage girl abandoned by her lover and trying to cope with an all too mundane real world. Once you have a taste of the extraordinary, how can you go back to the lame real world?

Devil's DVD Advocacy: The Fourth Kind


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 9:00 AM

Originally Posted By Dave Bartik

The Fourth Kind is a tale of two movies eliciting two wildly different reactions – all of it completely relying on what you believe. Or who you believe. The underlying skepticism that determines one’s joy or misery does not come from a trust in the supernatural and their nocturnal dealings – the main plot of the film – but whether or not to trust Milla Jovovich.

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore Go 3D


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in | Posted on 11:43 AM

The film that everyone, and I mean everyone, has been clamoring for has been announced.  On December 16th, 2011 Alvin and his vocally gifted brothers will return for a third installment, in 3D.  While the films haven't garnered any real critical acclaim, they have been fairly profitable, so a third film was inevitable.  At this time no details about story have been released.

Alice in Wonderland (Devil's Advocate Review)


Posted by Mike Pampinella | Posted in , , | Posted on 12:50 PM

When I think of Wonderland, I think of a place where the laws of physics cease to exist and strange creatures flit about. It's a place of, for lack of a better word, wonder. Realistically, wonder and a childlike sense of bemusement go hand in hand. Unfortunately, Tim Burton only does despair filled darkness, so what should be a place you look at quizzically, turns into a nightmarish landscape that you wince at. Now, you can't fault a director for bringing their vision to the screen, but there is a certain protocol when approaching a beloved classic, such as Alice in Wonderland. Much of the curiosity comes from the crazy scenery and odd creatures. Instead we get bleakness and viciousness.

Alice In Wonderland


Posted by Ashley Davis | Posted in , , | Posted on 12:00 PM

Tim Burton's latest adventure, Alice In Wonderland, is nothing short of Mr. Burton's wild imagination in full bloom. The movie (which is available in 3D, Imax 3D, and classic viewing) is probably one of Mr. Burton's most visually mesmerizing films. The movie starts when Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is proposed to by a comically portrayed Lord in front of a party. She ends up returning to Wonderland (as an adult) while her possible fiance awaits her answer.