Kick Ass: Special Preview from Damian Smith

Posted by Rene Alvarado | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 9:00 AM

By Damian Smith

Editorial Note: Here's Damian Smith/Lord Shaper's Kick Ass review/preview. He saw it at the Australian world premiere. Damian is a friend of the Devil's from Australia and was lucky enough to have cool friends and get a sneak peek at Kick Ass.

Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan with few friends and who lives alone with his father. His life is not very difficult and his personal trials not that overwhelming. However, one day he makes the simple decision to become a super-hero even though he has no powers or training.

Ok, that’s enough of the “what’s the movie about”. I had the chance to go to the World Premiere of Kick Ass tonight which was something that came out of the blue.

Not knowing what to expect, I arrived later than I planned on but when I got there I did what everyone, I expect, would do in going to an event like this without knowing what to do… I started looking around for faces I knew. That being said I quickly bumped into Nicola Scott (Secret Six artist) and her husband Craig.
We were delayed in getting in due to an unforeseen, well I didn’t know about it, cricket match which caused people who had a 5 minute trip to take an hour to get there.

But then we went in… We had to give up phones and everything like that but it’s a small loss for 2 hours worth of entertainment!

As we had an introduction to it we were informed that the music score wasn’t final but that didn’t matter, we all just wanted to see the movie!

Ok, here we go!

I haven’t read any of the issues but the movie started off with an homage to a lot of the superhero movies we have grown to love over the years with snippets of Superman, Batman, Spider-man and others as the credits came up.

I went in without any expectations of the movie, I’ve watched a few of the trailers and thought they were amusing but that is an understatement about this movie. From the opening scene of the winged hero on the rooftop that we’ve all seen from the trailers to just keep on running at full ball.

I loved the way the movie puts the idea up front of how a superhero would work in the real world and what peoples reactions would be to see a masked marauder walking down the street. You have to love it when people see Kick Ass for the first time and just start laughing.

The pacing of the movie also worked really well it slowed down where it needed to, seeing the mistakes that Kick Ass makes and the outcomes of people questioning his sexual orientation are played up to perfection.
Then we get to the action. The fight scenes are over the top but that doesn’t detract from the movie at all as everything in it is over the top and they let you know about it at every point they get. Hit Girl is the best at that. I don’t know if it is just fantastic choreography or the fact someone so young is doing something so violent but it all comes together here.

Now as it isn’t being released in Australia until April 8th and in the US until April 16th I don’t want to give away anything about the plot of the movie so I’ll just go onto other aspects about the movie.

Aaron Johnston was fantastic as David/Kick Ass…There was a great level of wannabe that came across between him trying to be a superhero compared to Big Daddy and Hit Girl who have been training for it all of their lives.

Nicolas Cage blew me away with his performance. I think this is his best performance that I’ve seen from him. From the twisted caring father who is teaching his daughter to take a gunshot to when he puts on the costume, adds the handlebar mustache and puts on the William Shatner/Adam West Batman voice so people don’t know it’s him.

Chloe Moretz has to be the star of the show. She plays Hit Girl perfectly with the ability to get every one liner and she pulls of the action every time. I’m sure that there will be a flood of Hit Girls on the Cosplay scene very soon!

If you're after a fun movie with a lot of humor that takes a fun look at everything we’ve came to love about movies, comics, violence and comedy. I’m sure this is going to be spouting a sequel soon and I for one will welcome it!

Damian is a Blogger and Podcaster from Sydney, Australia. This Review originally was posted at on 24/2/2010 and is being used with permission.

You can see all of Damian’s other work at or listen to some of his podcasts at and

Damian Smith
Co-host of Kryptographik, A Podcast Covering Horror, Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy.
Host of Welcome to Heavenside, A Doktor Sleepless Podcast.

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