The Spy Next Door (Lil Devil)

Posted by Veer-Naveen Toor | Posted in , , , | Posted on 11:34 AM

I admit it; when I see Jackie Chan's name on anything, I'm instintly curious about what has he gotten himself into this time. In his latest release The Spy Next Door, he plays....wait for it....A Chinese National who has been "loaned" out to the CIA (at this point in time I'd like to point out that the likleyhood that the Chinese government would loan out anyone to the United States is beyond words I can use in a family friendly article). Yeah, raise your hand if you've scene a version of this before. Seriously though, Jackie is at home in the film. You get exactly what you expect from him; moments of unbelievable martial arts skill and the predictable slapstick.

Along with Jackie we are privillaged to see the acting range of both Billy Ray Cyrus and George Lopez. It was a pleasure to find out, suprisingly if I might add, that they have no range. Their characters are played to the letter of their personality...cardboard. Of the two, Lopez was the bigger disappointment as we do know he is capable of greater things. Unfortuatley, he plays his role to the standard, never deviating from the mold.

The movie is thankfully short, short enough that you will walk away with a smile at some of the hijinks that occur (although obvious). The plot which is borrowed from other like minded films (ex., The Pacifier) does have a little twist to make it work for the intended audience. I can see this movie coming over to the ABC Family Channel in the near future and honestly that's where one should see it unless they really don't have anything better to do.

Comments (1)

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